

Located in the hinterland of Yangtze River Delta, southwest coast of Taihu Lake, Changxing covers an area of 1,430 square kilometers and has a population of 640,000. The county was established in 282 A.D. in Jin Dynasty and has long been reputed as land of fish and rice, home of silk, city of culture, and Prestigious County in Southeast China. It is also among the State's Top 100 Counties for Comprehensive Strength and the State's Top 100 Counties for Basic Economic Competitiveness.







Changxing Economic and Technological Development Zone (CXETDZ) was established in 1992. In1994, it became a provincial-level development zone with the approval from the Provincial Government, covering a planning area of 47.5 square kilometers and an administrative area of 54 square kilometers. It has ranked the Top 10 Development Zones of Zhejiang for 7 consecutive years since 2003, and was nominated The Most Valuable Development Zone for Investment in Yangtze River Delta for two times on end. It was among the First Batch of Ecological Development Zones of Zhejiang Province and the First Batch of Demonstration Parks for International Outsourcing Service.

CXETDZ was upgraded to the state-level economic and technological development zone, approved by the state council in 2010. In the same year, it was listed among the First 13 National Demonstrative Zones for Concentrated Application of Photovoltaic Power Generation with the approval from four state commissions and ministries.

 It won the title as the Outstanding Development Zone with the Most Contribution in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang New Urbanization (Integration of Industry & City) Demonstration Zone in 2013,

Characteristic Brand Zone of Zhejiang Province (Green Household Appliance) in 2014,

Zhejiang Emerging Industries of Strategic Importance-Pure Electric Vehicles and Key Components Industry Development Base in 2015.



CXETDZ is situated at the main artery transportation hub in Yangzi River Delta, facing Taihu Lake in the east, Tianmu Mountain in the west, and close to the city. Several transportation routes cross right here, including four expressways (Hangzhou-Nanjing,Shanghai-Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Anhui,Hangzhou-Changxing,Shanghai-Jiaxing-Huzhou), three railways(Xuanhang, Changniu, Xinchang),two national roads (104 National Road and 318 National Road), two high-speed railways (Hangzhou-Nanjing, Shangqiu-Hefei-Shanghai) and one golden waterway (Changxing-Huzhou-Shanghai).There are four international airports (Pudong, Hongqiao, Xiaoshan, Lukou)and three international ports (Shanghai, Ningbo and Zhapu). It is 1.5 hours away from the medium and big cities of Yangtze River Delta such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nangjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou.



Changxing lies on Tianmu Mountain in the west and faces Taihu Lake in the east. The city boasts of beautiful natural environment. It has won the titles as International Garden City, National Garden City, National Sanitary City, National Civilized City. Etc.




3+1 Key Industries and Industrial Clusters 3+1主导产业


New Energies and Electric Mobility新能源汽车及关键零部件产业


长兴正加快构建以新能源为核心的全产业链,谋划以新型电池为主体的新能源及其关键材料、新能源  管理系统及互联网+储能、新能源汽车、电机、电控等几大板块产业。继荣获“中国绿色动力能源中心”、“中国电池产业之都”、“中国产业集群品牌50强”等殊荣后,2010年获批全国首批十三个太阳能集中应用示范区,2015年获批浙江省战略性新兴产业——纯电动汽车及关键零部件产业发展基地。代表企业:天能集团、超威集团、江森自控动力蓄电池、GE钠盐电池、吉利、康迪、英纳威锂离子电池。


 Machinery and Equipment智能装备制造产业






打造一个健康产业平台,建设一批重点项目,培育一批骨干企业,开发区把大健康产业作为主导产业之一谋划。经过近几年的发展,长兴已经形成大健康产业集群雏形,生物医药、医疗器械、功能保健食品等大健康产业重点领域项目均已突破:由华裔美籍科学家领先打造的美时康生物制药研发检测平台旨在打造集研发、中试于一体的医药科研创新服务平台,规划在2017-2019年内引入医药科创企业20家左右;由华裔美籍科学家等五位 “国家千人计划”专家实施的三叶草生物医药项目、明翳眼科医疗小镇为代表的医疗器械项目,以艾格生物、金巴开麦绿素为代表的功能食品项目。

 Producer Services生产性服务业



Based on the Headquarter Economic Park and the professional market area, the zone cultivates ten large-scale producer service projects focusing on the service of science & technology, business, logistics, finance, information. They are Shanghai Jiao tong university--Changxing Huigu Science &Technology Park, Zhejiang University Industrial  Design Center, CAPAC auto Exhibition Center, Hardware Mechanical and Electrical market, Changxing Electronic Business Center, Changxing Xingwang E-Commerce Park, Changxing Remote Finance Service Center, Comprehensive Logistics Park, the State Power&Energy Storage Battery Products Quality  Supervision and Inspection Center,  etc. There is the Taihu Lake Capital Square in the Headquarters Economic Park which focuses on introducing and developing the new finance industries such as finance holding, wealth management, fund investment, financing lease, interment finance, folk service, finance agency and so on. It aims at building the   "one district two centers ", i.e. the Modem Financial Industry Cluster District, the Fund Investment Management Center and the Folk Financing Service Center" , whose business area is based on Changxing county and can cover the whole country.


Infrastructure: Roads, water, electricity, steam, natural gas, rainwater drainage, sewage, communications, multi-media, digital TV are available and the land has been leveled.



Human Resources:As the blue collar training base in the Yangtze River Delta, Changxing has been actively promoting the internalization strategy by bringing the German vocational education model, and conducting co-operations with German schools like German Fulda BBZ and Offenbach. There are five vocational schools and one Technician College in the county, with registered students around 15,000.


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